
I am so glad we are still involved with our kitchen project because it definitely gives my mind something else to think about as I adjust to life without Facebook.  Habits always die hard and I have heard that it takes a minimum of 30 days to break any habit.  It is the third day and I am definitely in the rough waters of living without Facebook.  I knew I was addicted to it, because I was always clicking on the “f ” icon, even when I wasn’t consciously aware I was doing so.  

I am an avid reader.  I have always enjoyed reading.  Even when I was a child, I was the one who would read all 4 sides of the cereal box while eating breakfast.  Books were my friend and I always made sure I had several on hand so I could read a new book as soon as I was done reading my current book.  Sadly, Facebook eventually consumed so much of my time that I wasn’t reading my beloved books anymore.  I think this happened because I knew a book would be a time commitment while Facebook was something I could ingest in increments. Once this kitchen project is over, Al and I both plan on sitting back and getting involved in a good book or two.

The kitchen project has taken longer than we ever imagined possible. This project has taken us on a wild roller coaster of emotions. We despaired over the stain becoming too dark…much darker than we intended, but it was the only way to go with this gel stain we were using, or at least the way WE were using the gel stain.  Then we rejoiced when the final topcoat went on the first completed section of the kitchen!  It was beautiful,  It IS beautiful!  Back and forth our emotions ran between anxiety and joy!  As the weeks wore on we got more and more tired, but along with this came the joy and pride of accomplishment.  Because we worked in tandem, we have bonded even stronger than before which we would have not thought possible, but there you go! 

Habits are simply that….HABITS!  It doesn’t necessarily have to be any one thing that screams habit.  Each morning, the minute my husband gets up, he heads over to the coffee pot, pours a cup of coffee and then immediately turns on the television. There is never any kind of variation…it is just what he does.  I am not fond of a blaring t.v. In the morning, so I never turn it on when I am alone.  My computer was a nice quiet way to get the news, both world, local and Facebook.  So, we are both creatures of habit, the difference being that when his news channel was done he turned it off. My news was always available which caused me to be tempted to keep peeking at the latest update wherever I would find it.

I am writing this on my ipad and my little finger accidentally hit the screen and bingo!  My post got published in an unfinished state!  Doggone it anyway!  Carpenter is here, so I need to sign off anyway.  Just think of this as Random thoughts!

Until next time! 

3 thoughts on “Adjustment

  1. Cheryl Benson

    Hi Juan, Getting together would be the icing On the cake!! I am trying at a snails pace to get This house in some order as the relatives start arriving the 25th.. The good news is Dave sister will be lots of help getting this chicken taco buffet sorted for 12 people.. If it rains we are on trays all over the house!! I opted out on making cheesecake toped with cream melted with hazelnut chocolate .. I can’t stand for Very long.. So I bought Sara Lee and Will put the same topping on, also 18 central market chocolate chip And 18 oatmeal raisin cookies that just Need to be popped in the oven right Before serving.. Made the chicken taco meat in the slow cooker last night and froze .. The flavors will really marry by then. Next week is a wash for me as Pt Is on Monday and Wednesday .. I come home and crash.. Dave is out of the picture as he leaves this afternoon till Sunday to Go to the valley with his buds, so we Could be here. Probably Friday if that’s good .. If that doesn’t work Company leaves late afternoon the 31st.. Let’s see what shakes out❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Sent from my iPhone




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