Category Archives: POETRY

My Child


As I travel along my life’s road, I wonder what you think of me? 

How did I help shape your life?  When you see me, who do you see?

Of course I know you love me.  Most children love their mothers.

But do you see me as a person?  Do you see that I matter to others? 

Do you think of me as a good friend, as someone other than just your parent? 

Do you know the traits I have passed down, and how in you, they are inherent?

Have you ever told me where “I shine” in your thoughts when you think of me?

Do you know how much it means to hear that you LIKE me just for ME? 

Did you laugh with me when I told a joke?  Do you think that I am funny?

Did you like it when Dad gave me a hug, and called me his “Honey-Bunny?”

Have you noticed how much I like to write…stories and poems and such?

Do you like the pieces I have written?  Or not so very much?

Do you see how happy I am in my life, just by being me? 

Do you know that I am living fully, though you live far away from me?

Some people, sadly, go to their graves, never knowing how much they meant,

To those with whom they shared their life, with whom all the time was spent?

Time is a valuable commodity, which on earth does not last.

In the blink of an eye, our future, is suddenly in our past.

So, my child, I would like to know…was I a lesson for you to see?

Did my behavior inspire you in some little way?  Do you ever mimic me?

Tell me now, while there is still time.  How is it that you really feel?

Tell me what you have been thinking, but, please let’s keep it real.

Parents are no different than other folks. We need encouragement too.

We hope you see some wisdom in what we share with you.

Hold my hand now, for just a minute, while my hand is warm and strong.

Take the time to express your love.  Don’t wait until I am gone.

Don’t wait until I have died, to share what you thought of me.

Tell me now, while I am still here, before my spirit flees.

You will be so glad that you took the time, to tell me of your thoughts.

When I have gone to heaven, you’ll take comfort in the hugs I got!

The biggest lesson we learn in life, though the years be many or few,

Love should be shown while we are still alive, not in the funeral pews.



I thought I could, and so I DID!

All who watched me were surprised.

They could not believe that it was me!

They couldn’t believe their eyes!

I have a lot of faith in God

I know my prayers are received!

With faith I sent up a prayer request,

He said yes because I believed!

Jjb/copyright@ 10/18/2015

Autumn in Minnesota

 We went for a walk along a tree lined street. There was color everywhere.

The breeze softly caressed my face as it flowed throughout my hair.

The trees were covered with colored leaves. Yellow and orange and red.

The sky was an azure blue.  Clouds danced playfully overhead.

My spirit lifted out of me and soared upward as we walked.

My husband and I walked hand in hand, and as we strolled along, we talked.

“There is a pay off for growing old,” we said, “because this is when childhood resumes.”.

“Old self reunites with young self, and we become ONE as we commune.”

Minnesota in Autumn is wonderful, it makes our hearts swell with joy!

An old woman and man began their walk, then turned into a young girl and boy!

Thank you Lord for giving to us, this ability to appreciate,

The bounty of your creation, as we live this side of Heavens Gate!

Juanita J Bussmann/Copyright/October 8, 2015


Whenever I’m lonesome for Grandma,

I heat up the frying pan.

I mix up some pancake batter.

stirring as fast as I can.

Grandma had an old wood stove,

 the perfect place to make,

the thin and delicious delicacy

we called Swede pancakes.

She let the pan get good and hot,

then spread a bit of butter.

She would pour in the pancake mix,

which would cause my heart to flutter.

Brown them first on one side, 

flip them to the other.

Slide them hot onto my plate,

I love you dear Grandmother!


JJB copyright 10/2/2015

Then and Now


Remember the letters we once wrote?  We would send them in the mail.

We shared our news with family and friends. They enjoyed our homey tales.

Then the telephone arrived at our house. We had a “five” party line.

We were so excited to hear people talk, we listened all the time.

Time continued to move ahead and phones became private for all.

 Now, we could talk about our neighbor, because she couldn’t listen to our call. 

Then came another invention. We could attach a 25 foot cord.

We carried the phone all around the house. It kept us from getting bored.

Soon the portable phone was invented.   It was cordless!  Imagine that!

We could take it outside to talk with friends. On our porches, we could sit and chat.

With the invention of the Computer, a new communication was hatched.

Email was writing the modern way.    We clicked “send” and our news was dispatched


Then came the “My Space” sensation where we showed pictures so we could boast.

Not long later, we all joined  “Facebook”.   We shared our wisdom by hitting “post“.

Our kids no longer called to talk.  They now chatted via “text”.

We quickly learned to abbreviate words.   Oh my goodness!!! What is NEXT?


Skype you say?  NO!  That has passed!  “Face time” is the newest way.

We have to “log” into our account.   There’s a lot to see and say.

What in the world is TWITTER?   Is it a chirp by Tweety Bird?

No!  It means we are to keep it short by “tweeting” just a couple of words


What’s that you say? Oh No!  Tell me it isn’t TRUE!!!! 

Text is OUT, and once again, there is something NEW????

So now it’s “Snapchat” you say we should use?Between me and you?   

You disn’t see the picture I sent because it disappeared in a “FEW”????

That is it…. I must QUIT! I can’t take it anymore!

If you really want to talk with me, please knock upon my door.

I will ask you in to have a seat.  I will pour a cup of tea. 

We will talk the old fashioned way, just the two of us, you and me.

If you want to see my pictures, you’ll find them by a lamp on mytable. 

Do you want to hear my latest news?   I will tell you while I am able.

Oh, it is SO good to talk with you!  I enjoy your lovely perfume.

It is fun to see you laugh and smile as we sit in my “living” room.

Let’s make a pact going forth.   Let’s meet up once a week.

We’ll have a cup of coffee or tea.   We’ll enjoy a tasty treat.

Let’s dress up for each other.   We’ll wear lipstick and fix our hair.

We will wear our nicest perfume and we’ll carefully plan what to wear


Let’s go back to the good old days. They were really nice, you know?

It was a time when things weren’t so hurried.  It was a time when things were slow.

Excuse me?  What?  Oh I would love to.   Next week on Wednesday is just fine!

I am thrilled to be invited to your home.   We’ll have the most wonderful, lovely time!

(Copyright) September 28, 2015, Juanita J Bussmann

Life after Life


I felt myself floating as my soul took flight,

I drifted upward on a current of  light.

I could feel my soul begin to expand and grow.

I began to see those who had passed long ago.

I was filled with a love so soft and sweet.

There were so many friends and family to greet!

I saw Grandpa and Grandma and Mom and Dad.

Their love was an experience I once had.

As I floated upward I could feel the grief,

Of my earth bound family who were in disbelief.

They were sad as they stood by my lifeless form.

They felt a great loss and they felt forlorn.

I knew my belief would conquer death.

Which is why I let go of my last breath!

As my spirit lifted, my body turned cold.

I was going to a place where I would no longer be old.

Goodbye, farewell, I will see you again!

Because, when this life ceases, it is NOT THE END!

Copyright 9/23/2015  (Juanita J. Bussmann)

Young at Heart


What do you do when you feel real young,

but you are actually old in years?

How do you reconcile your body and mind,

to get rid of your old age fears?

It wasn’t all that long ago,

When I was just a child.

Life looks the same to me today,

just as fun and free and wild.

I can’t run as fast, nor stretch as far,

But my spirit is lithe and free.

Despite evidence to the contrary,

That young girl is still actually ME!

JJB/09/09/2105 (Copyright 9/23/2015)

Heavenly Mother

She was the only girl her parents had.

They treasured her feminine presence.

She was lovely in both body and spirit.

She had a sweet, angelic essence.

They named her Anita Sophia Jane.

Her middle name matched her mothers.

Her complexion was beautiful, soft and clear.

Her hair was dark  like her brothers.

She grew up to be a lovely woman.

She was feminine in all of her ways.

She tried to live a good clean life.

It was her daily habit to pray.

When she grew up, she became a bride.

She had four children born two years apart.

He second son died soon after birth.

It nearly broke her heart.

Her remaining children were her oldest son,

and her two younger little girls.

She thought of her children as precious gems,

Diamonds and rubies and pearls.

Anita has passed now, a few years ago.

She was a bit past eighty three.

I imagine her reunited with Alan, her son.

They keep each other company.

We think about her all the time.

We miss her contagious laughter.

We know she is in a better place.

In the eternal, heavenly, hereafter!

Visiting Times In Heaven

09/09/2015 (Copyright-Juanita J.Bussmann)

Writing for myself

No one cares when I write, nor do they much care why.

Because of this, I write for myself, which I will do ’til the day I die.

It wasn’t me who chose to write!  Writing has chosen me.

As I quietly sat in my chair, words mysteriously came to be.

The words then grew into sentences, (which surprised me at the time!)

Before I knew it, I had my pen in hand, writing sentences ending in rhyme.

I really don’t know how this happens, nor why this is happening  to me.

I only know that it stirs my soul, so it must have been meant to be!

I often feel like a love sick girl, as these words flirt with me again and again.

My muse is certainly seductive, as I am encouraged to pick up my pen.

My keyboard goes clickity click, as my fingers dance over the keys.

I love to write my muse’s words, and they keep on coming to me!

My muse is the one who whispers to me, filling my mind with lovely thoughts.

I don’t think this mystery is going away, So, I will give it all I got!

Copyright (09/07/2015) Juanita J. Bussmann


It is late at night, so I’ve come to  bed.

My pillow is soft beneath my head.

The covers are fresh. They were washed today.

Scents of nature all around me play.

I fold my hands and I say my prayers.

I thank God for His everlasting care.

I give thanks for the blessings He gives to me.

For ears that can hear and eyes that see.

I thank him for my family and loving friends.

I tell him I am grateful for the peace He lends.

Amen! I say, then I turn out the light.

My room is awash by a moonlit night.

God is all around me, I can feel His presence

Angels surround me with their loving essence.

My eyes are getting heavy, I begin to drift.

I fall asleep knowing this life is a gift!
Copyright (9/6/2015) Juanita J. Bussmann











Copyright (9/10/2015) Juanita J. Bussmann

You might be from Minnesota! 


If you are walking through a stand of trees, 

Which makes you feel happy and pleased!    (You might be from Minnesota!)


If you love the smell of new mown hay,

In which you want to romp and play,      (You might be from Minnesota!)


If your heart is happy and skips a beat

When you first feel the summers heat.      (You might be from Minnesota)


If you are canoeing across a pristine lake, 

Not making a ripple or a tiny wake,    (You might be from Minnesota)

If you grew up on a family farm,

Lived by the motto “do no harm”.    (You might be from Minnesota!)


If you learned to talk, then learned to pray,

And you were taught to work hard every day,     (You might be from Minnesota)

If you love four very different seasons, 

All for distinctly different reasons,    (You might be from Minnesota!)


If you pray with gratitude when you go to bed

Giving thanks for the pillow beneath your head.   (You may be from Minnesota!)

A million reasons to love this state,

Where happiness never has to wait.


(YES! I once lived in Minnesota!)

Copyright (7/20/2015) Juanita J. Bussman

Raining again! 

It’s raining again, raining again,

We can hardly believe our eyes.

The drought took our lake away,

Rain brought back our paradise!

Yay! Austin!  Let’s go for a swim!

Copyright (7/3/2015)


I do not mind that I am not,

Considered or thought of as really “hot”

(in the most lovely of body shape ways.)

I got rid of that thought,

And I no longer sought,  

to stay young to the end of my days.

So, now when I’m HOT,

(which is more often than not),

it’s in those horrible HOT flash ways. 

These flashes come to visit a lot,

flashes of searing, sweating HOT…

in DRENCHING tidal waves.

So, when you pray, that you’ll stay “hot”,

Be sure you are very careful to not, 

use the wrong literary phrase.

IF you always pray a lot,

 (to be and remain forever “hot”),

you may just cook til the end of your day’s!

(Ummmmm… anyone else feeling hot, or is it just me?)

Copyright (June 2015)🙀Juanita J. Bussmann